More Than a Diagnosis

When we are faced with challenges in life, we need to understand the benefits of adapting, strategizing, and finding the inner strength to fight for recovery. We should hope to overcome; and be grateful for the lessons learned from challenging experiences.

In some instances, the result is life changing. Would you imagine that a diagnosis of ovarian cancer could lead to homelessness?

This is the outcome of one ovarian cancer patient in Atlanta, GA. She is a working single parent of two girls. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and went through treatment as advised by her doctors. As the primary caregiver and the head of her household, while battling the disease she had to reduce her workload and eventually chose to go on short-term disability. This caused a huge change in her income and her ability to provide for her family.

While going through the ordeal she had problems paying her bills. Her biggest bill was for housing. After several months of being behind in her rent, she received an eviction notice. She tried to raise the needed funds to catch up, but the outstanding balance was insurmountable and therefore she lost the home she and her daughters shared.

Imagine fighting a chronic disease and at the same time fighting to maintain one of life’s basic necessities. Intense stress might exacerbate the debilitating effects of chemotherapy treatments and the discomforts of physical changes probable after diagnosis and during treatment.

It would be wonderful if all cancer patients were financially wealthy enough to go through treatments without overwhelming worries about other life essentials. However, that is not the case.

The Oshun Charitable Organization (OCO) has chosen to concentrate on women who are in some ways disadvantaged or are often overlooked. This demographic needs financial, compassionate, and the respectful support of actually being seen and heard. Most urgent is their need for medical equity.


Commitment to Treatment