Educate. Advocate. Support.
Supporting the health of women through education, advocacy, and awareness.
The Oshun Charitable Organization (OCO) is committed to educating women about ovarian cancer. Our awareness campaigns work with women in their communities to provide crucial, lifesaving health information. Recognizing the systemic barriers in medical institutions, our advocacy efforts promote increased early detection testing for ovarian cancer. To support women undergoing treatment, we have developed partnerships to connect women with critical resources.
Educate: Awareness Campaigns
Our goal is to provide information about the symptoms of ovarian cancer so that Black women feel empowered with information when visiting their doctors. As more Black women recognize the very subtle symptoms of ovarian cancer and feel more comfortable discussing these symptoms with their doctors, our hope is that more women will be tested, and the cancer will be caught at an earlier stage.
Advocate: Ovarian Cancer Screening
Presently, there is not screening for ovarian cancer. The Oshun Charitable Organization partners with hospitals and community centers that serve women to provide educational materials about ovarian cancer for patients. We also advocate for early testing with doctors who work with women who are lower-income and underinsured.
Support: Women Post-Diagnosis
For women who have been diagnosed with a reproductive cancer, the news can be understandably devastating. The Oshun Charitable Organization is committed to fostering community so that no woman feels that she has to go through treatment alone.

“When women take care of their health, they become their own best friend.”
— Maya Angelou